I am writing to …
I am writing to request a …
I am writing to apply for …
2. 回复信件:
In response to the letter of ________,
Thank you for the letter of ________,
Could you please…
Would you please…
a.The letter is enclosed with my appreciation for …
b.Thank you for what you have done.
c.I am sure to take any opportunity to make a return.
2. 致歉信:
a. What I have done has caused trouble for you.
b. I regret having caused so much trouble for you.
3. 投诉信:
a. I can’t stand / believe what has happened recently.
b. I have complained to ________, who ________________.
c. If I could not receive the solution within 3 weeks, I would sue you, which I would rather not.
Mr. Smith,
I’m writing to show my appreciation for the help you offered to me when I was in American. I can’t forget the apartment you lent to me. Without your help, my training wouldn’t be so successful. I wish I had spent more days with you.
This letter is enclosed with my gratitude and I am sure to take any opportunity to make a return.
Yours Sincerely
Mr. Smith,
I’m one of your neighbors and we have got along with each other very well. However, I can’t stand what has happened recently.
I work early every day so I have to sleep early around 10 pm. But your daughter is always playing the piano until 11 pm. I can’ t sleep at all. I have talked about it with you and you have promised to stop your daughter playing the piano at that time. However, the situation hasn’t changed at all. I hope you can give me a reply as soon as possible, or I have to call the police, which I would rather not.
I am looking forward to your reply.
Yours Faithfully
Mr. Smith,
I am writing to make an apology for my not attending the meeting yesterday on which I have promised to make a presentation due to the business trip to New York, which was really important to deal with at once.
I will have the presentation material copied and mail you as soon as I get back to work tomorrow afternoon so that you can hand out to staff. I promise to attend the meeting next Monday and give that presentation.
I am sorry for the inconvenience caused by my absence. Please accept my apology.
Yours Faithfully.
a.graduate from…
b.major in
c.have __-years working experience in _______
d.command good skills in ______
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