成人高考是成人高等学校招生统一考试的简称,属国民教育系列,国家承认学历,参加全国招生统一考试,各省、自治区、直辖市统一组织录取。成人高考分为专科起点升本科(简称专升本) 、高中起点升本科(简称高起本)和高中起点升专科(简称高起专)三个层次。 1、中文:一个十岁的孩子 (误)a ten years old child (误)a child of ten year old (误)a ten year old child (误)a ten-years-old child (正)a ten-year-old child
2、中文:你做完功课了吗? (误)Have you done homework? (正)Have you done your homework?(表示做功课用do one's homework.)
3、中文:警察抓住了他的胳膊。 (误)The policemen caught him by his arm. (正)The policemen caught him by the arm.(抓住身上某个部位用the,不用代词的所有格。)
4、中文:这是我弟弟约翰的书。 (误)This is my brother John book. (正)This is my brother John's book.(John是brother的同位语,John的书用John's book.)
5、中文:那些是我们老师的一些书。 (误)Those are some books of our teacher. (正)Those are some books of our teacher's.(应用双重所有格形式。)