成人高考是成人高等学校招生统一考试的简称,属国民教育系列,国家承认学历,参加全国招生统一考试,各省、自治区、直辖市统一组织录取。成人高考分为专科起点升本科(简称专升本) 、高中起点升本科(简称高起本)和高中起点升专科(简称高起专)三个层次。 1、中文:你喜欢听别人谈话吗? (误)Do you like listening to others to talk? (正)Do you like listening to others talk?(感官动词或使役动词的宾语补语用原形不定式。) 2、中文:你说这些话真傻。 (误)It's very foolish for you to say so. (正)It's very foolish of you to say so.(表示评价的形容词被带逻辑主语的不定式修饰时,介词要用of.) 3、中文:他太好了,寄给我许多书。 (误)He was so good to send me a lot of books. (正)He was so good as to send me a lot of books.(so……as to表示如此…以致。) 4、中文:你没有告诉他们永远不要做那件事吗? (误)Here is a new book for you to read it. (正)Here is a new book for you to read.(作形容词用法的带逻辑主语的不定式for you to read的宾语,实际上就是它所修饰的new book,其后不可再加宾语。) 5、中文:他够年龄,可以上学了。 (误)He is old enough so that he can go to school. (正)He is old enough to go to school.(形容词+enough+不定式表示足够…而可。) 6、中文:你没有告诉他们永远不要做那件事吗? (误)Didn't you ask them to never do that? (正)Didn't you ask them never to do that?(never要放在to之前。) 7、中文:你最好不要在下雨天出去。 (误)You had better not to go out in the rain. (正)You had better not go out in the rain.(had better(not)后接原形不定式。) 8、中文:为了准时,我们加快了步伐。 (误)So as to be in time we hurried. (正)In order to be in time we hurried.(so as to只可放在句中,in order to可放在句首或句中。)