成人高考是成人高等学校招生统一考试的简称,属国民教育系列,国家承认学历,参加全国招生统一考试,各省、自治区、直辖市统一组织录取。成人高考分为专科起点升本科(简称专升本) 、高中起点升本科(简称高起本)和高中起点升专科(简称高起专)三个层次。 1、中文:那人被认为是个傻子。 (误)The man thought to be a fool. (正)The man was thought to be a fool.(主语是动作的承受者而不是发出者,用被动语态。) 2、中文:他试图不介入政治。 (误)He tried not to have mixed up in politics. (正)He tried not to get mixed up in politics.(get作系动词,可代替be,后接过去分词表示被动,have无此功能。) 3、中文:中国发生了很大变化。 (误)Great changes have been taken place in China. (正)Great changes have taken place in China. 4、中文:他们结婚两年了。 (误)They have married for two years. (正)They have been married for two years.(表示已婚状态的持续,要用完成时的被动式。) 5、中文:英语难学。 (误)English is difficult to be learned. (正)English is difficult to learn.(英语难学=学英语难,也可说It's difficult to learn English.原句的主语实际上是不定式的逻辑宾语,不定式要用主动形式。) 6、中文:战争于一九三七年爆发。 (误)The war was broken out in 1937. (正)The war broke out in 1937.(take place,break out,happen,belong to等不及物动词或短语动词没有被动语态形式。) 7、中文:据说他很富有。 (误)They say him to have been rich. (正)He is said to have been rich.(say后不可接不定式,但它的被动语态后可接不定式。) 8、中文:汤姆问我这些岛屿是否属于美国。 (误)Tom asked me if these islands are belonged to America. (正)Tom asked me if these islands belonged to America. 9、中文:他命令马上开始工作。 (误)He ordered the work to start at once. (正)He ordered the work to be started at once.(不定式作宾语补语时,若与宾语是被动关系,要用不定式的被动形式。) 10、中文:他被所有学生嘲笑。 (误)He was laughed by all the pupils. (正)He was laughed at by all the pupils.(不及物动词+介词=及物动词,变被动语态时介词不能省略。) 11、中文:我看不清黑板。也许你需要检查你的眼睛。 (误)I can't see the blackboard very well.Perhaps you need to examine your eyes. (正)I can't see the blackboard very well.Perhaps you need to have your eyes examined.(表示使某物被别人…,通常使用have或get+物+过去分词表示。)